The Magic Portal to the Land of Within and Between

What is the definition of magic? “Magic is the secret power of appearing to make impossible things happen by saying special words or doing special things.” Well after my last blog and my last 2 months of exploring things, I believe in Magic and here’s why!
I’ve been watching two shows and reading one book and they got me thinking and combing all three, they formed an idea which drove me, and I mean drove me, to create something to express all the thoughts that were going on in my head. It was also my daughters birthday in January, she loves Harry Potter and magical things so it was also a labour of love.
Firstly was the show The Witcher and one line in it made be grab my note book and write it down – Magic is the control of chaos. Simple on a very basic level, if you could control all the chaos that happens in your life or even just in your head, by uttering special words in your mind, or doing special things in your life, could it not then be classed as magic?
The second show was Locke and Key. This involves a family called the Lockes who live in a house that contains magic keys that whisper to them to be found so they can then unlock special things or doors that create magic within their life. There is a key that can unlock your mind and you can enter it and see old memories, you can get lost in there, but you can also find truths that have been hidden for years. There is a key called the anywhere key that literally can open any door and can take you anywhere, oh how good would life be if you could do that. *hmmm clears throat*

The book I’m reading is called Mind by Daniel J. Siegel M. D, which is an in-depth investigation into what the mind actually is. Is it just your brain or is it something more and from what I have gleaned so far your mind is a space, a mind sphere if you like, that is both within you and between you. It’s that connection with your head and your heart but it’s not just within your head or even just within your body but your mind is also between – you and others, you and nature and a lot more.
With these three thought themes running through my head I put it down on paper, both in words and in pictures and this is why I believe magic is real.
How is magic real, it’s not tangible, it’s a secret power making impossible things happen/real. The mind isn’t tangible, is that real? By using the mind to change the perspective or your response, it can change an impossible situation into something more desirable, thus your mind controls the chaos and it appears to be magic. This magic may not be like what you see in Harry Potter but by definition the mind can truly perform magic in your life, you just have to find the right “key” for you, that can turn the locks within your mind to open it up and see the potential.
This magic portal we have in our head/body, this mind sphere of thoughts, ideas, beliefs, concepts, CAN take control of the chaos that surrounds us, it can control it and it can change it. Try changing an external situation by bringing it within, assessing it, pulling it apart into what is real, what is a made up story, what can be changed, what can’t be changed, how can I deal with that and then acting on all these conclusions within your mind, by responding to the situation with a different, hopefully better outcome, even if it’s just your peace of mind. You wont be changing the physical “chaos” but you will be changing the way you look at it and this can, sometimes, even change the outcome, if you allow it. Think of it as unlocking a door to a whole new view or seeing a whole new “mindscape”. Wouldn’t that be magical?
So the magic can happen and the “key” to this magic is your mind, the land of within and between, the connection that you have within yourself and between others, nature, the world!
So when your heart “whispers” to you (that gut instinct) listen to what that key is whispering, grab it, act on it, unlock the lock that is holding you back, move from the current chaos, and open your mind to new possibilities.
You are the magic key and within your heart, mind and soul, is the lock to a magical life.